
Resources — bathroom safety

A graphic of a man and woman holding their bladder. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to Incontinence"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to Incontinence

Urinating when you don't mean to is embarrassing for anyone, but it's actually a common issue. In fact, according to the American Urological Foundation, a quarter to a third of men and women in the U.S. -- millions of Americans -- struggle with urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of urine, occurs when control over the urinary sphincter is weakened or lost. This isn't just a "normal part of aging"; it can be caused by various reasons and may be temporary depending on the cause. Treatment and management options are available.

If you think you may be experiencing urinary incontinence or know someone who is, it's best to talk to your doctor. But before you do, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know, including types of incontinence, incontinence causes and symptoms, and treatment & management options.

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A home graphic with text, "In-home safety is a major responsibility for caregivers. Our guide breaks down the entire home by room with 79 tips to prevent accidents & injury."

The Caregivers Guide to In-Home Safety

When seniors fall, it can be more costly compared to younger people. It's essential to take preventative steps to help reduce the risk of your caree falling and injuring themselves. We've compiled these in-home safety tips and appropriate senior safety devices to help you go through your caree's home and ensure they aren't at high risk of injury. Use this as a home safety checklist for seniors when walking through the house.

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A graphic of a bathtub and clipboard with text, "The Ultimate Bathroom Safety Checklist"

The Ultimate Bathroom Safety Checklist

Because of its wet and dark nature, the bathroom is proven to be the most dangerous area in any home. To help prevent accidents and injury, we’ve broken down each bath safety aid by the area they help with, including balance, mobility, and accessibility. If you’re in the market for bathroom safety equipment, use this checklist to help guide your decision.

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