
Resources — Health + Wellness

A woman sitting in front of a therapy lamp. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Affective Disorder"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), also known as seasonal depression, is a variation of depression that begins and ends around the same time each year. SAD typically occurs during fall/winter months but less commonly occurs in the spring and summer. To be medically diagnosed, you must consistently experience depressive episodes around the same months for at least two years. 

If you consistently feel a surge of sadness, lack of energy, or thoughts of hopelessness during a specific time of the year, you may have seasonal affective disorder. This guide will walk you through what SAD is, the symptoms, how to cope with it, and more. 

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A woman in snow with her hands up

32 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

What do you think of when winter comes to mind? Holidays? Snow?

Suppose you’re like 10-20% of Americans that get the winter blues. In that case, chances are it’s feeling a lack of energy, motivation, and a sense of dread that the warm weather is gone. This is perfectly normal. Winter forces us inside and takes away sunlight, an essential aspect of a healthy life and mind. The truth is, the winter blues are something you can overcome. All you need is the right steps that will enhance your lifestyle and mental/physical health. Try these 32 steps to survive the winter blues.

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A man standing up holding his back in pain

8 Causes of Back Pain

According to research studies, the likelihood of missing 10+ days of work quadruples if you have back pain. In fact, there have been over 83 million days where people have been unable to work due to back pain. This chronic pain plagues over 16 million individuals in the U.S. and costs 12 billion dollars annually. Back pain is incredibly debilitating, both individually and nationally, and experts have identified the top eight causes.

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A woman placing a red light therapy device over her wrist

Science-Backed Red Light Therapy Benefits and Uses

While it may sound too good to be true, red light therapy has proven itself to be a universal treatment for many health conditions. The history of red light therapy research goes as far back as 1967 when the first device was developed, and into the 1990s, NASA started studying red light therapy for pain relief. This article will go through the many benefits and uses of red light therapy to better understand how it can help. Studies back each use and benefit to show results.

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