

A graphic of two models with hot/cold wraps. Text, "How to Alternate Hot and Cold Therapy"

How to Alternate Hot and Cold Therapy

If you are combatting an injury and looking for treatment options, temperature therapy is likely on your radar. However, many newbies to these therapy options are unsure of what to do. Excessive heat or cold can slow the healing process!

There is a low-cost, low-risk treatment for pain relief that you can do at home. Contrast therapy centers around the idea of using both heat and cold on an injury to treat pain – in an alternation. Please reference this guide on how to alternate hot and cold therapy for an injury to ensure your success.

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A caregiver graphic with text, "14 Days of Bite-Size Caregiver Tips"

14 Days of Bite Size Caregiver Tips

Caregiving is by far one of the most challenging roles to be in. It's filled with hectic schedules, periods of adjustment, feelings of overwhelm, and so much more. And while guides to help, they can induce feelings of information overload. With this in mind, we've created our email series "14 Days of Bite-Size Caregiver Tips." You'll receive 14 daily emails with an actionable tip you can use to make your role more manageable. Each tip has no "fluff" and can be implemented the same day.

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