

An elderly woman with one thumb up and down

The Pros and Cons of Aging in Place

Getting old brings about a lot of life changes. The obvious physical changes are just the beginning of the aging process. You must plan for retirement, make some tough decisions to prepare for the future, and plan for your overall care.

Most people have the goal of remaining in their homes for the remainder of their life as retired seniors. While we all hope to avoid living with family, assisted living, or nursing homes, it may not be possible. Let's look at the pros and cons of aging in place. 

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The Ultimate Aging in Place Checklist

The Ultimate Aging in Place Checklist

This checklist for seniors serves as a guide to walk you through the necessary steps to age from the comfort of home. Our checklist goes beyond aging in place remodeling, but embodies all the steps needed to maintain independent living. This includes technology and assistive services, healthcare, mobility, fall prevention, and financial planning.

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A graphic of a man reading a book in front of a therapy lamp. Text, "13 Benefits of Light Therapy"

13 Benefits of Light Therapy

If you’re not familiar with what SAD light therapy is, allow me to explain. Light treatment involves sitting in front of a specialized 10,000 LUX light therapy lamp. These lamps are designed to put out high amounts of light (LUX) to mimic the sun. Our bodies need sunlight, but we rarely receive enough of it—the sun aids in our body’s ability to produce two essential hormones: melatonin and serotonin. By sitting in front of a light therapy lamp for 20-30 minutes each morning, we replace some of that lost sunlight. These 12 light therapy lamp benefits have been thoroughly researched and tested based on the effects bright light therapy has on users.

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Aging in Place Statistics (2024)

Aging in Place Statistics (2024)

Aging in place is an essential goal for 93% of adults 55+. However, it's not something that can be easily achieved. These statistics highlight key trends, challenges, costs, home modifications, and technology being used by those aging in place.

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