Stay Safe, Independent, and Comfortable in the Bathroom
Trust in Carex for all of your bathroom safety needs. Our wide selection, guaranteed product warranty, and 35+ year experience make us the trusted brand for anyone looking to improve the safety of their bathroom. Our mission and reason for being are to enable our customers to live healthier, more comfortable, and independent lives.
Trust in Carex for all of your bathroom safety needs. Our wide selection, guaranteed product warranty, and 35+ year experience make us the trusted brand for anyone looking to improve the safety of their bathroom. Our mission and reason for being are to enable our customers to live healthier, more comfortable, and independent lives.
Add 3.5" of Height to Your Toilet Seat
Raised toilet seats make the bathroom more accessible, safe, and users independence. If you or a loved one struggle to sit down or stand up, then a toilet seat riser can help. These bathroom aids act as a booster seat for the toilet to make using it easier and more comfortable. This helps elderly, disabled, or handicapped keep their independence and quality of life.
Raised toilet seats make the bathroom more accessible, safe, and users independence. If you or a loved one struggle to sit down or stand up, then a toilet seat riser can help. These bathroom aids act as a booster seat for the toilet to make using it easier and more comfortable. This helps elderly, disabled, or handicapped keep their independence and quality of life.

Hinged Design Attaches Directly to the Toilet for Easy Install and Cleaning
A hinged design makes it easy to clean and blends nicely with any existing toilets. We've used a hinged design to make installation quick and easy while making the toilet safety aid easy to clean.
A hinged design makes it easy to clean and blends nicely with any existing toilets. We've used a hinged design to make installation quick and easy while making the toilet safety aid easy to clean.
Safe, Durable, and Reliable
Our hinged toilet seat uses lightweight and durable plastics making it perfect for daily use. It can support up to 300 lbs for a comfortable seat, is easy to clean, and can be purchased for either standard or elongated toilets.

What is mat'l of const? Do I use a acidic based cleanser or a caustic based cleanser? Is sanitizing recommended? Provide names of suppliers for cleansers
Cleaning the toilet seat riser is fairly simple. You can use any typical household cleaning materials such as a Clorox Wipe or Mr. Clean Eraser to sanitize it. We always recommend periodically sanitizing the bath safety aid to prevent bacteria.
Hope this helps! -
Thanks for reaching out! You can find the dimensions for standard and elongated below:
Standard: 3.5” h x 13.5” w x 17.5” d
Elongated: 3.5” h x 14” w x 19.25” d
Does it come with mounting hardware?
Yes it comes with everything needed to mount it to the toilet including the bolts and washers.
I have one of these in standard size, but like to purchase an enlongated , but do you sell new toilet seats for this size, or know where I can find them.
We do sell an elongated version of this toilet seat riser but we do not sell the actual toilet seat itself. All of our products come brand new.
centerline distance of bolt holes?
Great question! The distance of the bolt holes for both the standard and elongated is 6 inches from the center of each bolt.
Does the riser come with a warranty? Do I need to register it?
Yes, our toilet seat riser has a one-year warranty that does not require registration. You can learn more about our warranty here: https://carex.com/pages/our-warranty